My writing

Where does the time go?

Can it really be December 1st? It must be – Black Friday has been and gone and Cyber Monday is upon us.

As you turn your thoughts (if you haven’t already) towards the 25th and the festivities ahead, the time to get together with family and friends, the tinsel, the turkey and, I hope, the fond memories of the year that is slipping quickly away from us – why not get them a unique gift they will, hopefully, enjoy?

Whispers and Shadows of a Storm are currently for sale on Amazon in the UK for £6.45p & £7.03p respectively. That’s a great price of £13.48p for the first two installments of the Storm Trilogy with free P&P. With Vengeance of a Storm due out the end of April, early May of next year – it’s a great time to be discovering the Storm Trilogy. Here’s the link to my Amazon Author Page:-

Alternatively, why not get them something even more personal – a signed copy/copies of Whispers and Shadows of a Storm? I can put a special message in them for you and post them out to you before the last posting dates of Friday 12th December (USA) and Saturday 13th December (Europe) all other destinations December 7th. Contact me for more details.

Good luck with Christmas run-up.



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